Table of Contents


Ph.D. or Masters students who take this hands-on exercise program are asked to choose one of the following themes and provide deliverables at the end of the course.

Interactive tutorials

This theme aims to let students accumulate teaching experience on topics relevant to HCI. Students are encouraged to think and design their own tutorials with guidance of the instructor. They are required to give their tutorials to IIS Lab members (mostly, Masters and undergraduates) as a mini-lecture consisting of 3 - 5 classes each of which should be 60 - 90 minutes. Students are strongly recommended to collaborate with each other to deliver a successful tutorial. The topics should be related to intelligent systems with interactivity. Examples (but not limited to) are:

All tutorials should focus on how to use algorithms and methods in a realistic interactive system rather than explaining theoretical backgrounds. Thus, tutorials should include many examples showing how to use relevant libraries in languages or platforms IIS Lab members usually use (i.e., iOS, Android, C#, JavaScript, Java, R).

As how I name this theme, the tutorial must be interactive. Do not design an one-way teaching class. :) I mark the design of your tutorial as well as its content.

Given that the course is rather short, we strongly suggest students to choose a focused topic rather than trying to explain broadly. The ultimate goal of this tutorial is to offer attendees practical experience on particular techniques so that they can apply what they have learned to their projects.

All tutorial materials must be in English, but you may deliver them in Japanese. Please coordinate with the instructor to set up date and time for tutorials.

Expected deliverables

Sensing technology hacking

This theme aims to offer experience on developing sensing technology and use it for different applications. You may re-implement one of the following examples by yourself, and then apply it for a new application you think of.

You will have to do hardware and machine learning in this theme. You may use the lab equipment for your prototyping, but you may have to buy components by yourself (should not be very expensive though).

Expected deliverables

Mobile systems and applications

This theme investigates novel mobile systems and applications. More specifically, students are asked to survey existing systems and services, and come up with new interesting applications. In addition, you design and build a proof of concept of new mobile apps that can help people in their daily lives. Although this theme does not necessarily require research novelty, your apps should demonstrate unique ideas and be convincing to solve issues people may encounter in daily lives.

Example apps (but not limited to) are:

Note that game or pure entertainment apps are not considered for this course. Please discuss the topic with the instructor before you decide.

At the end of the course, you are asked to submit your report (as specified by the instructor) or do a live demo of your apps.

Expected deliverables

CHI survey

In this theme, students conduct a thorough literature survey on publications at CHI happening in the same year. Through this survey, you will develop a sense of state-of-the-art research about a particular topic in HCI.

You are asked to go through all archival papers and notes that are related to a specific topic. You only need to research papers that have been published at the latest CHI, but your survey must include all papers relevant to the topic. You do not need to read extended abstract publications, though additional marks will be given if you include them in your survey. Make sure you search papers thoroughly. Marks will be substantially reduced when the number of missing papers is not negligible.

At the end of the course, you are expected to submit your survey paper. The paper should use the ACM SIGCHI format, and be at least 8 page long excluding references. I strongly recommend you to write your report in English. You should make sure that grammatical errors are removed as much as possible though I will be generous about them.

You can choose one topic in consultation with the instructor. Example topics (but not limited to) are:

Expected deliverables